DHH Audiological Review
The Audiological Review Committee (A.R.C.) is a team of professionals including an audiologist, a hearing diagnostician and an administrator who follow a set of procedures established by The Child Vision and Hearing Test Act (77 ILL.ADM. CODE 675) and administered by the Department of Public Health.
The Audiological Review team meets once per month to review screening audiograms, educational screening information and medical information to ensure that children with suspected hearing impairments receive appropriate medical and educational management. ARC works collaboratively with school nurses of the eleven member districts of Southwest Cook County Cooperative region.
Information regarding hearing loss and its educational impact will be available on this site in the coming months. Please be sure to check back as often as information will be added on a continuous basis.
For immediate information concerning A.R.C., please contact Amy Caporelli, via phone at (708) 342-5307 or email at acaporelli@swcccase.org.